Life is full of questions, and only the few who give the correct answers enjoy it. The journey to greatness has many routes in different directions. If you fail to ask yourself honest questions, you will end up on a mission in futility.

There was a certain sage who lived uphill in the countryside. Many noblemen men such as kings, politicians, and executives used to go to him for consultations. His answers were apt, and if you followed his advice, you would win.
Downhill was an inquisitive young boy named Haram. One day, Haram called a few of his friends together and said they should escort him to the old man. He promised them he had just two questions and was sure the old man, for the first time in his life, would lack an answer to the question from a little boy.
Haram took a white dove in his hand, and his friends followed him, full of great expectations. When it came to Haram’s turn, he stepped forward, hiding the bird behind him, and said, “Good day, oh great sage, what am I holding behind me?”
The old man looked at him with a smile and said, “Haram, you are holding a five-month-six-days-old white dove.” Then, Haram, putting his forefinger around the neck of the poor bird, ready to present it alive if the old man said it’s dead and ready to squeeze it to death if he said it’s alive… he asked the last question: “Is the dove dead or alive?”
The sage gave Haram and his curious friends the answer they never forgot for the rest of their lives: “WHETHER THE BIRD IS DEAD OR ALIVE, THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS.” He was shocked and left his presence broken.
Friend, the power is in your hands too. The biggest answer to your deepest questions lies within you. As you wake up this morning, can you be honest with yourself? Can you confront yourself and call a constitutional conference within yourself? It is a sad thing on earth for a man to be well known by others but unknown to himself.
1: Who am I?
2: What problem am I created to solve?
3: Who and where am I sent to?
4: How will I get there?
5: What is my motivation?
6: What are my fears?
7: What will I be remembered for when I die?
See below for my own answers to these questions, and we will take it up from there. Enjoy your day.
“The Power of Questions Part 2”
The journey from failure to success is an internal trip. The open secret for all inventions was because someone asked intelligent questions.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Think about it.
Since I’m not just a coach who gives people keys without showing them the doors, here are my personal answers to the 7 Golden Questions I asked earlier.
1: Who am I?
I am a MENTOR, Inspirational Speaker, Business Strategist, Life and Wealth Coach. I help individuals and organizations locate their core competence, acting as a BRIDGE from where they presently are to their envisioned next levels.
2: What problems am I created to solve?
I help open the eyes of people to the right attitudes that position them to see the limiting factors and fears that hold them back from succeeding and the missing link to people and opportunities, excellent People Relationships and the act of giving to succeed in what they do or choose to do.
See the business side of every subject to get people ready as job creators and not job seekers.
I solve Business Start-Up problems by helping people with positioning tips, identifying the competitive advantage to winning in their various businesses.
Show wealth-enhancing tips that can make people start most businesses with little or nothing.
Show people how to accelerate their business volume, productivity, and profitability.
I help people close to retiring and retired individuals on how to retire gracefully.
I settle identity crises by helping struggling individuals find their self-worth and what gives them happiness.
3: Who and where am I sent to?
I am sent to everyone.
Young graduates, poor salary earners, entrepreneurs, people with ideas but lack the money to jumpstart their business, struggling business owners, prospective retirees, laymen who desire meaningful lives, corporate organizations who want a boost in their business.
4: How will I get there?
Through word of mouth, people referrals, all social media platforms, my handouts, flyers, video CDs, public speaking platforms, coaching, teaching, training, and mentorship.
5: What is my motivation?
Putting smiles on the faces of people I encounter and making heroes from little or nothing.
6: What are my fears?
Misplacement of value systems in leadership, insecurity among young people, envy, misinterpretation of my intentions, and corruption in leadership.
7: What will I be remembered for when I die?
Here lies the remains of Francis Okumagba:
1965-20xx. The Wealth Doctor, A man who PUT SMILES ON THE FACES OF PEOPLE IN NIGERIA 🇳🇬
If you live for nothing, you die for nothing. Life without direction is like a football match without a goalpost. If you cannot script your day on a daily basis, how can you script your entire lifetime? If you cannot contend with men on foot, how can you contend with men on horses?
Enjoy your day and life. I am just a call away for mentorship and business development consultation. 🖐🏻
@Francisokumagba 08052551000