Efe-Nogo Eulogizes Igbuzor at 61 on International Day of Charity

…As the First Annual Otivism Lecture Holds Today in Honour of Igbuzor

By Foster Akpore

As the world observes the International Day of Charity, the Onotu-Uku (Traditional Prime Minister) of Orogun Kingdom, Chief Do-Good O. Efe-Nogo (J) has paid a glowing tribute to Dr. Otive Igbuzor on the occasion of his 61st birthday. Dr. Igbuzor, a champion of justice, equity, and development, has long been recognized for his efforts to uplift the marginalized and foster inclusive development through the Ejiro and Otive Igbuzor Foundation, the African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development and other platforms.

The International Day of Charity, celebrated on September 5th, aligns seamlessly with Dr. Igbuzor’s lifelong commitment to improving the lives of the poor and excluded. His foundation’s philanthropic endeavours encompass education, healthcare, and community empowerment—critical areas that alleviate poverty and promote sustainable development. Chief Do-Good Efe-Nogo remarked, “Dr. Igbuzor’s work exemplifies the true essence of charity, driving transformative change in the lives of the most vulnerable in our society.”

In addition to marking the International Day of Charity, the First Annual Otivism Lecture will be held today September 5, 2024, in Abuja to celebrate Dr. Igbuzor’s 61st birthday. The Annual Otivism Lecture Committee will organize the event as a hybrid gathering, allowing in-person and virtual participation. Themed Otivism and Ideology: Addressing Contemporary Challenges in Nigeria, the keynote lecture will be delivered by Dr. Iroro Stephen Izu, author of Otivism: The Ideas and Philosophical Reflections of Dr. Otive Igbuzor. This inaugural lecture will explore Dr. Igbuzor’s profound philosophical ideas and their relevance in addressing Nigeria’s contemporary socio-political challenges.

The lecture, chaired by Comrade Hauwa Mustapha, will feature a series of panel discussions and other interactive sessions aimed at delving into the transformative vision of Otivism. This annual lecture series will be built on Dr. Igbuzor’s wide-ranging contributions to leadership and development across Africa, furthering the discussion on ideology, development, and societal transformation.

In his tribute to Dr. Igbuzor, Chief Efe-Nogo highlighted the honoree’s remarkable philosophy: “Anything I do must be focused on service to God and humanity. My vision is a world where there is justice, equity, peace, and prosperity, and my mission is to touch lives, spiritually, politically, economically, socially, and knowledge-wise.” This philosophy has defined Dr. Igbuzor’s journey, with his foundation working tirelessly to foster opportunities for the underprivileged and to promote justice in all its forms.

As the world reflects on the significance of charity on this day, Dr. Igbuzor’s contributions serve as a powerful reminder of how individuals and organizations can impact society positively. His foundation’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) further strengthens the global solidarity needed to eradicate poverty and create a more just, peaceful, and equitable society.

Chief Do-Good Efe-Nogo concluded by commending Dr. Igbuzor’s enduring legacy: “On this International Day of Charity and as we celebrate his 61st birthday, we acknowledge Dr. Igbuzor’s selfless service to humanity. His work has touched countless lives and will continue to inspire future generations toward a world where justice and equity prevail.”

As the First Annual Otivism Lecture unfolds today, it promises to deepen the conversation around Dr. Igbuzor’s enduring vision for societal transformation, laying the groundwork for future generations of thinkers and doers committed to justice and sustainable development.

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