Celebrating the Life of Pius Ogheneochuko Eruesegbefe: A Trailblazer and Beloved Father

Pius Ogheneochuko Eruesegbefe was born in Imodje-Orogun, Delta State. He was the son of Omuvwie Smart Adehwosa Eruesegbefe and Atoghoma Ekufe.

Late Pius Ogheneochuko Eruesegbefe

Pius attended Ekure Primary School in Orogun and Urhobo College Warri for secondary school. He was a self-minded person, likely self-dependent. He worked hard towards a prosperous life and had a successful career at Ibru Seafoods in Port Harcourt.

He had his first son Oghenekaro Eruesgebefe in 1984. He got married to his wife Anibor Eruesegbefe in 1985 and had 3 more children: Emuje Voke Eruesegbefe (1987), Edirin Eruesgebefe(1990), Oghenetega Eruesegbefe (1993) and granddaughter Oghenemaro Maya Eruesegbefe (2012).

He was an amazing father and a disciplinarian who loved being focused and straightforward. Pius cherished those who were trustworthy and encouraged them to think out solutions to problems and give the right answers. He loved and cared for multiple relatives and helped with their career growth. Pius was always willing to support loyal people.

He cherished people who showed initiative and a can-do attitude, always encouraging them to “use their heads” and be content with what they have. Pius was a cheerful man who loved his friends, family, and children.

In his prime, Pius was successful with multiple business bars and grocery stores. His shop was known as “Pius Stores,” where he was dedicated to his up early, and back late with no off days.

Pius was a determined and successful man who will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him.

Please join us in celebrating the life of Pius Ogheneochuko Eruesegbefe, a remarkable person who has left a lasting impression on all our lives.

The news of Pius Ogheneochuko Eruesegbefe’s passing has left a void that words cannot adequately fill. The tributes pouring in from his loved ones capture the deep love, respect, and admiration they held for him. Here are some heartfelt messages celebrating the remarkable life of Papa P:

Gone too soon! Words cannot describe the loss I feel to have to say farewell to you. But heaven chose to give you wings and now it’s time you flew. Wished that you could have had more time. But I would take one day. I wish I had just one more chance to see that tender smile, to laugh with u again my dear just for a little while. Gone too soon. But will not be forgotten, forever you will remain in our hearts until we shall see you again rest in perfect peace with the lord. Amen

It’s written in Ecclesiastes 3:2 there is time to be born and time to die; therefore cannot question God because he alone gives and also takes, your I’ll health couldn’t let you live to enjoy more of your Labour? But I know God’s rewards are greater in heaven. You were indeed a wonderful and lovely father to me, you thought me how to be independent and self-minded no matter how the situation, I love and miss you so much, May your amiable soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Dear Dad, I know that you are no longer with us, but I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I love and miss you. You were an amazing father who always did your best, even though there is no manual for parenthood. I wish we had more time together, but I am grateful for the time we did have. I will never forget how you used to call me “ddd” and how proud you were of my achievements. Your dedication to running successful businesses and your passion for life will continue to inspire me. You were always understanding and had your own unique ways of showing your love for me and the family. I want you to know that I love you and I miss you dearly. I hope you are resting well and that we will meet again someday. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
Love always, your son “Ddd”

In loving memory Dad you are at peace. Your soul at rest. As I remember the special times. You helped me to be the person I am today by bringing me into this world. Though I am no longer a child and u are no longer here. I will always hold the Rest in peace Dad.

Dearest Daddy, I still can’t believe that this tribute I am writing is for you. Every time I try to start, I

Can’t bring myself to get through it. This is not easy but I know I have to put my words out there for you my loving father. You were so dedicated and that is so hard to find in this life, I will continue to keep your memory alive in my heart forever. You filled a space that no man can ever replace because you will always be the first man to ever love me. I will forever miss the way you always answered the phone when we spoke “Is that my one and only daughter?” Nothing will ever fill the void that you have left in my heart, now that you have left us so soon and suddenly. The moment to walk with me down the aisle and collect my bride price has been stolen from us by the cruel hands of death. I will never forget growing up how much you pampered me and got my brothers in hot water if they ever dare try me! I remember it was you that bought me my first phone, a beautiful Sony Ericsson flower flip phone- trust me it was a show stopper that year!! I loved that phone so much more because it was from you and thinking about it now brings a tear to my eye. It is because of you that I dared to tell my mum off the first time she ever beat me, I said to her point blank “My daddy doesn’t use to touch me” The audacity! I’m sure that got me beaten even more that day! But that is what you were to me. My protector. My role model, my confidant. The standard of a man I have always wanted in my life. You never let your presence deter and even though we were apart never had to look for you. When needed to talk to you, you were always on the other side of the phone ready to pick up. I so much miss our weekly phone calls that I would sometimes miss and now regret that so much, I wish I could have just one more. I pray that you are looking down on us and most importantly you are at peace. I miss you more and more every day and I promise to do everything that will make you proud as we honour your legacy. Until we meet again my dear Daddy I love you the most. Your one and only daughter

Dear Grandpa, thank you for being the best grandpa a girl could ask for. will always love you and cherish the memories we shared together. Rest in peace.


My tribute to Daddy.
The news of your death came as a big shock. Immediately goose pimples and sweat pouring down. I cannot even understand what was going through my head. Daddy flashed back to your good moments, kindness, fatherly advice, care, and concern for me. Papa P as I always call you my family will miss you dearly. Adieu Daddy till will meet to part no more. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord Amen.

Mrs Elohor Awogu (Nee Umah).

A Tribute To An Icon A Mentor A disciplinarian.

An Uncle To a fault, Though it is painful to lose a kind person like your type so soon but it’s not everyone’s knowledge to know when to be born & when to die, but someday time nature will beckon on each and everyone to say goodbye, but it all matters on how far & how well you impacted your when breathing and full of life. Though, as an uncle to me, he showed me the way to be self-independent. And create goals for yourself to become somebody in life, in his saying always to me, use your head, and that sink into my heart & mind that is what has kept me going till date, though the word of God has made it clear to every living soul that we are all dust & to dust shall we all return, Hebrew 9 verse 27 “it is appointed man to die but once what follows is judgment” let us who are still living learn how to live our life to please God because a time comes when no one can see the lord nor serve him any longer, it is now or never, may God Almighty grant us the knowledge to identify with him edify him, glory him in all our work with God & humanity.. because these are what we will be remembered for when our eyes are far at sleep in death, Late Ogheneochuko Pius Eresegbefe has played his own part, he has left the stage, for us to play ours also because death is inevitable to everyone, no one knows the time, and I have not seen any person that live on earth that has known where when, how he or she will die it’s a mystery to all humans God Almighty knows the best, as I conclude with this saying Ecclesiates chapter 3veres 1to11 there is time for everything time to be born, a time to die, but is the conclusion of the matter fear God & follow His commandment Ecclesiates chapter 12verse 13. Uncle Adieu! Adieu!! May your Gentle soul find rest in the Bosom of God Almighty till we meet to part no more!

MR & MRS SOLOMON OLAWALE ODEJIDE & FAMILY which you fondly call your son

We all know you as Papa P but I call you Papa. have always said, when it was time for me to get married, my husband will meet two fathers. You were a father, a friend, my confidant, and my adviser. We would stay up gisting late into the night I often fall asleep. We talked about the same things over and over again yet it was more interesting each time. I held no information back from you because it was safe to tell you everything. I still visit those kind words of yours from many years ago in my notepad to draw strength. How you told me I was beautiful and should let no one make me feel otherwise. We really had good times, we laughed a lot, I miss our conversations over the radio. I miss how you sing along with your favorite musicians. The last day I saw you was so unbearable for me, you looked so different. I saw so much pain it was difficult to handle. Since your passing, I deliberately avoided conversations that’d remind me of you because the only way I could deal with your loss, was to not process it, that way, it feel like you were so far away. I miss you, Papa, so much, so much. I pray you to rest in the bosom of the almighty.

Can believe you are no more papa-p, I thought you had another year to leave, the day you left was the saddest day of my life, I blame you for your death but God knows the best, can’t question him. You are my mentor, the father had in Portharcourt, my special adviser, my quarrel mate, can’t forget the way you argue with me, since you left, any day I pass your house I remember I visited your house but you were nowhere to be found, since left your house, you never fail to call to know how I am doing. will really miss you sir just want to let you know that you will always remain in my heart and I will never stop loving you. May your gentle soul rest in the bosom of the almighty God. Till we meet again fair well

Uncle P. The news of your death came to me as a huge shock, like a candle in the wind. If only you can turn the hand of time and ask God to give you an hour to come and address us, it would marvel you to see how you were loved for the simple and selfless life you lived. You supported friends and family financially, morally, and otherwise. A true friend is never truly gone, their spirit lives on in the memories of those who love them it’s difficult to find the right word to grieve over your painful exit. But God remains God and He is faithful. In Him alone can we truly be comforted.
May your gentle soul rest in the bosom of the Almighty.

Word cannot express how much I respect you as a father, we can not really believe that you are no more, even though you are gone in the flesh, you will always remain in our memories, you were a caring, humble, and gentle father,. are a great father an Achiever and a blessing to all. We miss you so much. This good father has left us. May God grant you eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon you until we meet to part no more. To de.

Twice now I have had an encounter with you, once at the shop even after your death. I was young and naive or else the one thing that mattered most to you would’ve still been alive, when you called me to inform me of a stroke crisis, that you have suffered the same fate as my father and I said God forbid, little did I realize death is inevitable but I’ll always remember you as a fighter because you didn’t give up without a fight. At the hospital bed, you told me things you would want to accomplish before you die and it pains me that you will not be around to make it a reality. You call me son, like it was my father, I misunderstood the love you had for me because I was young, if only we can turn the hand of time to serve you again, rest in peace uncle and I’m sorry I never called you papa

Uncle P was like a father to me. He had a soft spot for me and would always smile each time visited him (I miss his warm smiles). He even gave me a room in his house and called it my room. He was so fond of me that he always wanted me around and did not want any other person to live with him. Really miss him. I still find it hard to believe that he is gone. I wish he had lived longer. May your soul rest in peace, Uncle P

Uncle P. As you are popularly called. Another day has come again,

But now seems quite the same, To know that you are gone.

As time moves surely on- The days and weeks and months ahead Will never be the same-

Because a treasure beyond words Can never be replaced.

The loss cannot be measured now, The void cannot be filled-

And though someday the grief may fade,

Your mark will live on still

For even with my heavy heart, I know you still live on.

Uncle P. as you are popularly called. No words can describe the loss I feel. My heartfelt condolences go to the entire family. Uncle, you are gone, but you will never be forgotten. We may be apart, but your memory will live within me forever. I am only left with your memories to live with now. No words can express my grief. Pray that God will bring peace and solace to your family. Rest in peace, uncle. You passed away because your body had served its purpose. Your soul had achieved what he came to do, learned what he came to learn, so you left a contented man. Farewell Uncle P. Rest in the bosom of the Lord. RIP.

TRIBUTE TO BROS PEE: Bros pee as we fondly call you! A man well-endowed with Business Acumen. Your place in Oroworokwo, Port Harcourt, was a rallying point to all young and old Deltans. If you want to see any young Urhoboman or Deltans, just go to Bros pees place. If you want to relax and spend less for your enjoyment come to Bros pees shop. You were never concerned about too many profits but a high turnover. You made everybody enjoy themselves while also relaxing and waiting for who they wanted to meet. Your place was a rallying point, but today you are no more. Oh death where is thy sting! But are comforted by the word of God in Ecclesiastes 3v 1! For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to mourn. You have finished your race well. We will surely miss you! Adieu Bros pee! Rest perfectly at the Bosom of the lord till we meet to part no more.

Eruesegbefe, you were all we could ask for in a brother-in-law. It was a pleasure to be in your company as you touched so many lives with your kindness, caring, loving, and peaceful nature. You will surely be missed. Farewell bros ‘P’.

Dear friends and family,
We gather today to celebrate the life of our dear son-in-law and brother-in-law, Pius. Although he may not have attended church regularly, he was a man of great kindness and love, and his impact on the lives of those around him was immeasurable. Pius was a man who lived his life with a deep sense of compassion for others. He had a kind words and a warm smile for everyone he met, and his generosity knew no bounds. He was a devoted husband, father, son-in-law, and brother-in-law who always put the needs of others before his own. He had a heart for service and was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Pius may not have been a regular churchgoer, but he lived his life in a way that was consistent with the teachings of Christ. He loved his neighbour as himself, and he treated everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or beliefs. His love and kindness were a shining example of the love of God, and his impact on the lives of those around him will never be forgotten.
While we mourn his passing, we take comfort in knowing that he is now in the arms of our Heavenly Father. We believe that God is a God of love and mercy, and we trust that Pius is now experiencing that love and mercy in ways that are beyond our understanding.
As we honour his memory, let us also celebrate the life he lived and the legacy leaves behind. Let us continue to be inspired by his kindness and love, and let us strive to follow in his footsteps.

Rest in peace, dear brother-in-law. Your love and kindness will always be remembered, and your legacy will continue to inspire us for generations to come. May God bless you and keep you in His loving embrace.

ON BEHALF OF LATE J.T. IBUNO & FAMILY A day I wish never came, a day I wished wasn’t in the calendar, it was a black Monday, it was the day my lovely uncle Pius pass on. On death, how could you have come this early, death came and stole my dad on Sunday and you my uncle on Monday, my uncle who has played so many roles in my life as my dad also.
He called me daughter, so protective of me, I would have loved u to stay longer with us to see u enjoy the fruit of your endeavours but God knows best. can remember how we use to sit in the sitting room after the close of the shop, gisting n laughing and telling me to get married fast and that I am not getting any younger, you didn’t even stay to see it, death oh death

P, as I fondly called him, was surely a “jolly fellow”; accommodating. generous and supportive, always ready with a listening ear and a comforting word, whenever the need arose. Bros P had a zest for life that was infectious, which was easily seen when there was a need for him to entertain others. I easily recall with fondness, the way Bros P exceedingly, took his time to entertain one, out of his way to ensure one was having a good time and comfortable fantastic man! His legacy will inspire others.
I will surely miss him, and pray that his soul finds eternal peace, hoping his Rest in peace, Bros P! With fondness,

Tribute to my First Son-in-Law.
It has come as a shock and it’s surprising To hear about your passing. It still brings me so much pain, even up till now I cannot get it right. What do I have to say? It is the will of God that you are no more. May God be praised. My prayer is that you have children to bury you. May your soul rest in peace.

P, my ever-smiling brother-in-law. I have fond memories of all the good things you did for me. I can say I was your favourite sister-in-law. I am still shocked and saddened by the news of your passing, you will be forever remembered. We will surely miss you, we love you but God loves you best and He has you home.

Rest in peace, Uncle P. Kete Bare


We Wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to God Almighty and His beloved Son Jesus Christ and to all of you for your love and support during our time of loss. Thank you all for the acts of kindness to our family and for the many expressions of goodwill and advice you have shown to us during this period of grief.
We truly appreciate and pray Almighty God to bless you and grant us all journey mercy and protection as we journey back to our various destinations, in Jesus’ name. Amen

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